Ny sida 3 :History:
Ok, this website was born on the 9th of February, 2004. Back then I didn't post any fanart here - this was just a very boring website about me! You can still find that info on here but now there is also fanart and other stuff for you. And just please don't steal anything! I made all of this myself and it has taken me a lot of time and hard work! If you want to use something - please ask! And now let's get on with the history of this website...

A while after my website was created I started making fanart for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I got a big (I'm sure - unhealthy) obsession with the show. I wasn't any good with websites yet so I had no ide on how to publish my work on my site... Anyway not until June 17th 2005! That day I made a big makeover on the site translating everything into English and adding the first few wallpapers. :) The site has since then grown and now host wallpapers and fanart from my many fandoms.